Have you ever been in church, listening to a sermon, and you wanted to chime in? Maybe you wanted to agree, or disagree, or get some clarification, but you can’t interrupt the entire sermon, so you just sort of let it go. You could go up to the pastor or speaker afterward and ask, but you know the kids are going to want cookies and there are all those people that you only have a few minutes to connect with. Well, TNT is the solution to that problem…and there’s food…and daycare! TNT was where I decided to give Jesus a chance. It is a weekly bible study led by Pastor Sean. Inspired by Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Participants can just listen, or talk. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions and answers come from all corners of the room. It is church in a fun, interactive way.
TNT means “Tuesday Nights Together.” It also means dynamite, and dynamite finds its roots in the Greek word “dunamis.” It means power, explosive power, like the power Jesus spoke of in Acts 1:8 when he said, “...you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” TNT has the power to clear obstacles. Like those met by the railroad in 1869 as land was cleared and rails were placed in order to make that single, long track that was the first transcontinental railroad.
For me it was the power to do away with those little doubts that came up as I first started to read the Bible. The little questions that festered in my mind and I never felt like I could ask out of embarrassment or out of fear that there was no answer and the whole thing was a farce. So I went, and I discovered that there are answers and the whole thing isn’t “fairytales for grownups.” TNT is where you will be encouraged to test the Bible and to ask YOUR questions. So if you have ever been in church, listening to a sermon and wanted to chime in, come out to the Live Oak campus at 6pm on a Tuesday night and break bread, pray, learn biblical teachings and enjoy some fellowship. It may just be the place where you get the dunamis to remove your obstacles and finally complete your trans-salvation railroad.